Monday 3 October 2016

Blog #2: The Social Construct of Technology

The article 13 Right Now, depicts the day to day life of teenagers in today’s smart phone era. In the article Katherine is immersed in social media as most kids are; as her smartphone is her tool of choice. Although it may seem overboard her phone is simply the fuel to her addiction to stay connected. This article looks to give insight on the need to use and need to know about the public sphere in our private everyday lives. As what we see is a tool  we use in order to shape the way we act in or day-to-day lives.

Smartphones and social media in specific gives users a world of their own that provides both an abundance of pros and consequences with its heavy reliance. The article goes into detail to communicate some of the habits that Katherine has that are a true reflection of those of the new millennium. As it is used to stimulate her mind and either boost or lower her self-esteem. Althoguh I can not fault her because she a simply a product of her environment Katherine. Modern society places such high value on how you are perceived and to Katherine, she associates her self worth and success with the number of likes she may get as she states “Over 100 likes is good for me” and that the ones that don’t get enough likes get deleted, as if she is trying to keep up some sort of image of who she is.

I choose this theoretical framework because of the fact that whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the social aspect of University puts high importance on how you are perceived. Although I don’t believe its right in the day and age we live in, most people feel is if their worth is determined by how much they are liked, and how many people know about them. As both society and social media shape how we act, live, and ultimately stay connected with those around us

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