Monday 3 October 2016

Social Shaping of Technology - Blog post #2

I chose the Social Shaping perspective of technology as I do not believe technology simply controls us and that we would be lost without it, you can survive without social media many people do it. However, it is once you get into the use of social media platforms that you get sucked in and don't want to leave. Society has made the use of social media the norm and this is why the social shaping of technology is the best approach to explain how this problem of social anxiety has come to be.

Technology is around us all the time and is essential to every day life, today's youth have been completely consumed by technology. This can be seen in the example of 13 year old Katherine Pommerening glued to her phone during her car ride home from school. This is not specific to Katherine, I have two younger brothers aged 13 and 11, that act the same way; glued to their phones, ignoring my parents. Sadly this has become what childhood looks like in todays society; kids rarely want to go play outside with their friends when they can do it online instead. This online obsession has all come to be because of the way we as a society have allowed it too.

Society has shaped individuals to rely on technology and people have openly allowed it to occur. A university degree can be obtained completely through the use of a laptop. An online approach might not be as affective as going to the library, reading books, and attending class but it is still a viable option to complete your university education.

While these uses of technology benefit many people; it also has a negative effect. It allows people to think technology is the only way to make it through life which then leads to this idea that individuals must always be connected; especially through social media. This idea that you always have to be connected leads to the anxieties in my opinion. You never have time to yourself, as people can always reach you. If you do not answer a message quickly enough, friends and family may get mad at you.

The obsession for more likes, followers, and what people think of your posts is one of the biggest factors of social media anxiety. People put on different faces for their followers and it is an unhealthy thing to do. These problems are especially evident in younger people like Katherine. We must remember to be ourselves and unplug every once in a while in a society that is driven by social media and technology.

Matthew Bloom


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post Matthew.
    I think you have very valid points that I actually really agree with. For one I do believe that with every negative there is a positive although I agree with your point about people 'putting on a face' for their followers and how unhealthy and unnatural that is. Its a huge problem that could lead to even bigger problems for that media user.
    As hard as it is for most, I VERY MUCH agree we must unplug every once in a while, how refreshing.

  2. Hi Matthew,

    I liked your view on the Social Shaping of Technology and how you related it to your life. I completely agree with many of the points you have made, especially that you do not believe technology controls us, it is only when we become so immersed in it that we feel we cannot get out.

    Although I have no younger siblings, I can see how technology is impacting the lives of the three boys I babysit, ages 7, 5 and 4. They are always wanting to be inside, on their iPads or watching Paw Patrol on TV while I am trying to encourage them to play outside. Even though they haven't necessarily began to use social media, they are already obsessed with technology.

    I agree that society has allowed us to become dependent on technology and wonder just how much that will affect Generation Z in the future. Do you believe they will miss out on many life experiences because they are glued to their phone? Do you believe that they will be without many of the skills that are necessary to succeed in future careers? These are the types of questions I think about when I compare my feelings/anxieties on social media to those Katherine notes in the article.

  3. Great post Matt. I feel as though you touched on some very accurate points, such as the persona some people try to hold for their followers, I think it's pretty weird and extremely concerning. I feel as though that's why a lot of people enjoy social media, because they're able to create this character that they wished they were in a way. Which leads to another accurate point you pointed out, we need to unplug ourselves from our phones sometimes so we don't get caught up in the popularity contest that is social media.

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