Monday 3 October 2016

Social Shaping of Social Media

To my understanding, I would say the type of anxieties that are associated with new media and Katherine "being better at her phone" comes from the desire of being liked. Most young girls always want to be like someone else, but in nicer words, I'll say a role model. However, some of the role models that are popular in this day in age aren't exactly fit to be role models. It's all about having a certain look, knowing or following the right people and making sure you get the outcome you desired on a post you uploaded.

The reason I chose social shaping of technology was due to the fact that we base most of the things we do around technology; we can't just fully be who we are. After reading the article, we are able to see Katherine as a prime example of what most young girls are doing. "Social media platforms engineer particular kinds of sociality even as their users develop norms around their use" (Baym 51). What Baym means by this is that through social media, it has the ability to change and shape a person's new "reality". By becoming so involved with it, it becomes who they are. It's normal for Katherine to be on all of these social media platforms because that has become her social norm. So when a girl like Katherine "wants to get better at her phone" it means she wants to be better than all the girls who are "better" at their phones.


  1. I found your outlook on Katherine's anxiety very interesting in reference to how you said anxiety comes from desire of being liked. I too believe that is the main factor that sparks anxiety for teenagers. Society is constantly creating expectations through the media of how you should be represented (looks, actions, etc). Katherine has become one of many teenagers who have become caught up in this societal norm or expectation that you should always be on your phone, or as Katherine says it, she "wants to get better at her phone". Its almost as if it becomes a competition between other girls to stay connected, interactive and maintain your social media platforms. I strongly agree with you that it comes down to desire of being liked, which is why Katherine goes out of her way to "get better at her phone".

  2. Hey!

    I really enjoyed reading your post, and completely agree with you that being “better” at your phone is just another way of altering ones own reality. For Katherine, it is all about image, she needs to post at the perfect time, and use the perfect filter in order to reach her desired amount of likes. If she doesn’t get as many likes as her friend per say she may take it down. It is very true that in this day and age, and especially in young children norms are developed around the use of technology. For them wanting to “better” themselves isn’t about changing an attitude or habit. It is solely focused on how they can increase their followers/ “likes” in order to project a certain image.

  3. I really enjoyed your post! I agree with your statement that a lot of the anxiety surrounding interactivity comes from the desire to be liked and from a place of competition. Any altering of reality stems from seeing a picture posted by someone else that you want to be able to live up to, or relate to, or from any personal insecurities that have the opportunity to be changed or erased online.
