Thursday 20 October 2016

Social Imaginary and Techonolgy

     The main argument of Mansell’s article states that the way in which people see themselves and the functionality of their social environment is all determinant to Taylor’s theory of the social imaginary. Charles Taylor’s theory looks deeper than just the intellectual schemes or connections individually practiced when thinking about social reality in a basic and non-critical way. It focuses on the ways people imagine their social existence, how they determine whether they fit with others, the nature of these interactions and relationships with others and the normative expectations that are met. Encompassing this, the theory of the social imaginary looks at how people see themselves, and others in the society and or social environment.

     The technology industry, especially within the last 30 years, has advanced so quickly that the uses of these these new technologies have made their way into peoples everyday lives. Technology, now, is such substantial component or factor of most cultures living in these modern times. In many ways people see this human reliance on technology as having the potential to be damaging or detrimental to human society. People argue that this technological determinism, or the forward movement of culture reliant/dependent on the development and progression of technology, could lead to the formation of dystopian environment in which humans solely rely on technology in every aspect of their life. If we rely too much on technology, we risk the possibility of losing our ties or connection to the natural human elements of the functions of society. Other than technology’s interference with memory and retention of information read as well as the possible stress it induces in people, technology in society has proven itself to be a beneficial aid in performing necessary everyday tasks, especially in the information society. I believe that the possible problems technology can create, like stress, stem from people’s familiarity, or lack of, to the new technologies created, which purpose is to aid a persons social activities, progression and functionality in the information age.

     Technologies affiliation with our social self has helped us to become more expressive and communicative in the ways that we interact over the internet. The social imaginary, in my opinion & understanding, is an individual and common understanding, that has the ability to form common practices as well as a sense of legitimacy that is widely by the individuals. The imaginary shows how people see or imagine their social surroundings, as well as the functions of their society, whether they are supportive of it or feel as if there should be changes

     I found this link to be fairly interesting, giving an in depth explanation of the Charles Taylor's concept/theory of the social imaginary:

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