Monday 28 November 2016

Blog Post #2

The power to create, produce and distribute has been radically transformed in terms of enabling vasts amount of people to generate content. However, the tradition has a long tradition, including dividing the Catholic Church. Arguably Martin Luther is a pioneer of virility and mass communication long before the creation of social media. I will consider the media message and the technological means ,as well as reviewing media modes of production and mode of accumulation in the virility of the meme Pepe the Frog and Martin Luther’s reformation.
Memes are circulated, created and transformed using the internet. There is a mode of communication that transcends social media. The height of the media mode of communication bind together dispersed listener, of an imagined community. Meme’s and Luther’s message helped/ help people locate themselves in the shared symbolic world that the message creates this mode of communication operates. Pepe the frog was originally intended to be laid – back however,  it has now been transformed to be a Hate symbol. Pepe was soon wearing the same style of hair as Donald Trump, and being associated to Nazi propaganda.
In terms of Luther’s message being spread, mode of affect- the ability to spread the message of Luther across German speaking parts of Europe in the 16th , it share the affective infinity of one and other, bond to one another in terms of solidarity and emotion .Ultimately,  to the extent that people were willing to be excommunicated, and killed.Luther’s message went viral, and the result was the Reformation.
Pepe the frog was a part of the process in which an image becomes a brand. The process is called symbolizing the identity of a person. In the case of Pepe it was symbolizing a hate community. In order for the brand to be successful it has to maintain the coherence, the same meaning is repeated over and over creating consistency of interpretation. Pepe encountered on of the problems of using social media that the initial intentions of the Pepe the Frog meme was distorted through appropriation and its meaning was transformed.

The technological means or material is the form of the medium,  Leuthers content as viral media was spread through leather pamphlets as they were cheaper to produce and enabled wider transport. The pamphlet was religious in orientation as it was meant to bind a new religious community based on a particular theology.

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