Thursday 17 November 2016

Blog Post #3

Martin Luther was the man who pinned 95 things he thought that was wrong about the church on the church door. After doing this, he didn’t know there would be a reaction such a response from society. This sheet that he pinned to the door quickly got circulated around, and that is where we can say that the first meme was created. The relation between the “meme” and the “theses” is what the message is all about and how quickly they both got/get circulated around society. People don’t realize the power they have when they share information; just like word of mouth, any kind of content is easily spreadable.

      I chose to talk about the third articulation and how artifacts and messages are brought into being and spread throughout a culture, community and society. Pepe, the frog, is a good example of this because he was only made for a small joke between a group of friends. In an interview with the creator of Pepe, Furie, was stating that once something such as the meme catches someone’s eye or a small group of people, that is when the meme spirals into popularity and then circulated and easily accessed by anyone who has an internet connection.

After these memes had started becoming popular, people took their own creative twist towards it and started putting Pepe the Frog’s face on Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Memes have become very popular this year and have circled the internet quickly; however, the backlash now on Pepe the Frog has become cynical and has turned into more than just a meme. This is where we can see modes of production as we discussed in lecture because the meanings behind the memes are evolving through communication.


  1. I think that the third articulation is interesting in regards to meme and you have given a clear explanation of that. The Pepe meme has a message that is passed on by just looking at the image. It is able to hold meaning through circulation and be used in social interactions between people and facilitate communication. The internet allows for this and Pepes meaning can soon be changed to the next big person that one wants to address.

  2. To agree with Kaitlyn, Pepe is a meme that has a message just by viewing the meme and holds meaning through circulation. However, I do not think every meme is like this and it is only applicable to Pepe because of his facial expression. For example, the Overly Attached Girlfriend is a meme that needs words on it in order to develop meaning depending on the situation and/or context that you are using it in.
