Monday 14 November 2016

Martin Luther vs. Pepe the Frog: Modes of Production

           The second articulation looks at how media modes of production are also the mode of communication, mode of affect and a mode of accumulation. Media ecologies, as defined in class, are assemblages of media forms and communicative practices that create a specific media environment. In terms of Pepe the Frog in the Trump election and its mode of production being the mode of communication, it is speaking about the aspect of the meme being produced in bulk, being constantly manipulated and added to by various different authors across the internet. This in turn, means that the message of Pepe the Frog will constantly vary while always staying true to the audacity of Donald Trump. 
           Pepe the Frog has swept the nation during the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. The meme was originally cast as a comedic character that used excuses such as "Feels good man." to justify childlike and idiotic behaviour. Over the course of Donald Trump's campaign, people began to recognize the resemblance between Pepe the Frog's unqualified justifications and the arguments Donal Trump was making. Inevitably, the frog was transformed to more closely represent Donald Trump, by changing the eyes to squinting and adding the infamous blonde toupe. According to Jonathan A. Greenblatt,  "Once again, racists and haters have taken a popular internet meme and twisted it for their own purposed of spreading bigotry and harassing users"(Mele, 2016). The meme took off on the internet as people began following the character just as closely as the campaign. The memes added a level of comedy while also reflecting the sadness and fear people had about his possible presidency. People began to fear the meme as it represented a hate symbol of white nationalism and Donald Trump's very controversial campaign platforms which is explained through the mode of communication. The meme became so popular and viral on the internet it was able to obtain a social symbol. This also represents the mode of accumulation of power the meme took on as it became viral. The meme was completely reconstructed as a very controversial "joke" which many people on the internet found extremely rude and disrespectful. It was able to construct negative feelings and emotions through its mode of affect. It had a great impact on people following the debate who did not support Donald Trump an his candidacy. 

          Due to today's vast resources of technology, the meme and all of its connotations as a mode of production were able to spread easily across the entire internet. This concept is not new to us as our generation has grown up with it and has become very aware of how to use it. In the past, going viral was much different and took a longer period of time. It was introduced by the distribution of Martin Luther's pamphlets across Europe. The mode of production of print enabled his thesis to be spread across cities and read aloud to large audiences. This display of information going viral was able to spark emotions on Catholicism that would have not been possible without the modes of production. 


Mele, C. (2016). Pepe the Frog Meme Listed as a Hate Symbol. New York Times. 

Mohn, T. (2016, October 28). Long Before Twitter, Martin Luther Was a Media Pioneer. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from®ion=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below&_r=1

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