Monday 14 November 2016

Luther, Pepe and Trump: Blog Assignment #3

Throughout this blog post, I will be analyzing Martin Luther’s 95 Theses and the viral meme Pepe the Frog in relation to the 2016 US election. I will demonstrate these practices through the context of the third articulation.
To begin, the third articulation as discussed in class is concerned with, “how media artifacts and messages are brought into being and spread through a culture, community, or society, and is manifested in the spatio-temporal dynamics of relations of creativity and production, relations of distribution and circulation, and relations of consumption and reception

            When Martin Luther’s 95 Theses was created it caused a bit disturbance and began to spread rapidly around the world. Luther’s 95 Theses was spread everywhere through manuscript, pamphlets, broadsheets etc. This message was argued to be the first circulation of a viral message. In relation to Luther’s 95 Theses Internet meme’s such as Pepe the Frog quickly become viral through the sending, receiving and sharing process of the Internet. 

The Donald Trump meme as Pepe the Frog was brought into being due to the event of the US 2016 presidential election. Instead of being handed a hard copy of a message like Luther’s 95 Theses, Donald Trumps meme manifested its viral status around the world from the use of social media. Donald Trump himself tweeted the image of him as Pepe the Frog with the caption “You Can’t Stump the Trump”. This image almost became like a brand logo or symbol of Trumps campaign.  As stated by Williams, "Pepe had been a symbol of the disenfranchised, social outcasts. It was Trump’s natural audience." (Williams, 2016). Thus, becoming a viral spread message similar to Luther’s 95 Theses.


Standage, T. (2013). Writing on the Wall: Social Media- The First Two Thousand Years. p. 52

Williams, A. (2016). How Pepe the Frog and Nasty Woman Are Shaping The election

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