Monday 14 November 2016

Blog Post #3: Luther & Pepe the Frog

Luther & Pepe the Frog

The utilization of Pepe the Frog during the United States’ 2016 Presidential Election and Martin Luther’s 95 theses both display comparable relations of inventiveness and creativity.

To summarize Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses, Luther was distressed over the offer of indulgence by the Catholic Church to subsidize the development of St. Dwindle's Basillica. He was distressed due to the fact that he had true feelings for the church, which ultimately resulted in him trying to test the church with his own thoughts. All together for his oppositional thought's and supposition to have any impact, he initially made his message loud and clear in his Ninety-five Theses. When Luther's message was plainly figured to a viable way, the printing press made Luther’s voice heard through the use of creating various copies for others to then read. Although today we feel as though this is a very simple method to enhance our voices, it was ultimately the reason why Luther’s message was able to gain the attention that it rightfully deserved.
In comes Pepe the Frog. During the 2016 US election, mems of Pepe were demonstrating the same creativity characteristics that Luther displayed. As anyone with social media could notice, during the election, individuals were not afraid of sharing how they felt about the now-current president: Donald Trump. From memes to videos, it seemed that every type of creative post was an attempt to influence the voters – and essentially, the election. However, many modifications were made by individuals were done to make it ‘their own’. Much like Luther and the printing press, memes of Pepe the Frog as Trump were mass produced and shared all around not only social media, but websites as well – making it almost impossible not to be seen by anyone with an internet connection. The circulation of items is made much easier due to the advancement of technology.
This is where you're able to see how the circulation of media occurs. Both Pepe and Luther's work desperately needed the proper circulation so that it could gain attention. For Pepe, his circulation was done through social media, while Luther's was done through the printing press. Both circulated the same way but just through different mediums, and both conveyed a similar theme: that of power. And it does not stop there; they both also shared similar characteristics of consumption and reception. With Pepe flooding the internet, after the original meme was posted, the original creator had no control over the interpretation of the meme - the same happened with Luther and his Ninety-five Theses - he was unable to control the audience's interpretation of his work. It was, and still is, very difficult to understand the meaning and context. Many are prone to misinterpretation of messages - which is why media is extremely influential.


  1. The circulation of each cultural artifact really did effect how we see them both today. You make a good point about the use of technology and the Internet, as something can spread in an instant. We often take advantage of this technology, and complain when our internet connection is slowing down our Facebook searches, or our Netflix binge watching. Luther had to physically print pamphlets with his information and get people to manually spread them around Europe if he wanted people to hear his message.

  2. Hi Brandon!
    This was a great post, what I enjoyed most was how you touched upon the fact that social media was so prominent in this years election, it really added to your argument. You also did a very good job relating Pepe's story with Luther's, great job!

  3. Hey Brandon,

    Great post this week. I really enjoyed reading about your insights on the connection between Luthers' 95 theses and Donald Trumps election through the use of the Meme Pepe the Frog. I liked how you displayed the contrast between Luther using the Printing press and Donald Trump and social media, this was very effective. Overall great post.


  4. I completely agree that circulation of certain forms of media can help lead to power. This was clearly seen with Donald Trump in the election this year and it is actually quite scary how a individual who was blatantly racist on national television can use social media to his advantage. All the people posting about him although it may not have been positive, are what allowed him to climb to the top of the presidency race and eventually win. Just like you said eventually when the message spreads so far individuals interpret it how they feel and this is what occurred on social media in the case of Trump. This is truly an example of how all publicity is good publicity

    Matthew Bloom
