Monday 19 September 2016


Have you ever wanted to let your creativity flow, but everything and anything is stoping you? I love to partake in little artsy projects such as scrapbooking, adult colouring or even the odd doodle in my note book. As much as I would love to convince myself and others that I am the next Vincent Van Gough or Kanye West, I know that I am not a creative legendary.

As digital platforms and creative outlets continue to develop and transform our online social networks it is apparent that relatively anyone can produce a 'work of art' in this day and age. The below URL links directly to a site known as AdParlour. This site is unique and intriguing for creative minds alike as it allows it's users to create free ad mockups for any brand, client or product they please.

I was first introduced to this website this summer during my four month internship at an advertising agency in Toronto. I was extremely impressed to find out how easy the site is to operate for first time users. I was able to create a innovative and generic ad for multiple platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in under an hour as the app resizes the original mock up for you.

I would defiantly recommend this website to anyone who enjoys the world of advertising, branding and creativity.

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