Tuesday 20 September 2016

Not content with having conquered the internet, cats now appear intent on taking over our cities. London commuters at Clapham Common underground station this morning were greeted with billboards showing cats, cats, and, you guessed it, more cats. The 68 cat photos on display took the place of the usual adverts for food delivery, weight loss services, and dating sites. Even the ticket barriers got a meowkover (sorry) and were branded “catflaps”.
The brains behind this purrpaganda (sorry, will stop now) was CATS – the Citizens Advertising Takeover Service. This, in turn, was a project of Glimpse, a group which “aims to use creativity for good”. Earlier this year Glimpse ran a Kickstarter campaign with the rallying cry #catsnotads. Almost 700 people donated a total of £23,000 to the cause and this week the world saw the fruits of their efforts. In a Medium post explaining the purrpose (last one), Glimpse founder James Turner said: “We want to inspire people to think differently about the world and realise they have the power to change it.”

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