Monday 26 September 2016

Social Construction of Technology

·      It is evident that Katherine’s friends have constructed a their own way of using the technology in order to socialize. They are using features within an application such as Instagram to create a social space, which wasn’t the original intention of the application or the technology. Because of where this social space was created and how the technology functions, Katherine’s anxiety can stem from a flurry of notifications on a constant basis where if she isn’t keeping up with what is going on she will feel like she is missing out. 

·      Things such as when to post a picture, what filters to use on a picture can provoke anxieties with this new media. It is as if you are creating a brand new reputation for yourself outside of what people who know you in real life understand about you. If people associate you with traits such as dull or boring, social media is a new social space for you to redefine yourself and to make a new impression. All of the same anxieties that are found when making a first impression are found through the new media as well.

·      The reason why I chose social construction of technology as a framework for examining Katherine’s situation is because it can easily be applicable to not just her situation but everyone elses. I feel like it is common to know of a scenario where someone acts or seems different on social media then in real life.


  1. I agree with your opinion in terms of social media is a new space where you can redefine your identity and create an impression that is different then the one you make in person. You can be a completely different person on social media sites then you are in person, technology helps in the construction of your social identity much like Katherine's example. In the article, katherine was only described as the person that she was on social media, but not the person that she is in her social circle aside from the technology. Having a different persona on social media can create anxiety when engaging in face to face interaction outside of technology with peers.

  2. I completely agree that these social media platforms allow you to redefine your identity. The article from the Washington Post talked about how Katherine would deleted photos from her profile if they didn't get enough likes, didn't have the proper lighting or didn't show the most exciting parts of her life. All of those reasons are related to her deleting the photos that did not properly portray the type of person she wanted to be seen as.
