Tuesday 20 September 2016

Her Campus

One of my favourite website is Her Campus and for two years now I have been part of the Her Campus Laurier chapter. Her Campus is an online magazine where girls from different schools all over the world make postings about life, fashion, makeup, current events, etc., their motto being “College is hard. We make it easier!”.  I stumbled across Her Campus as a high school student and learnt so much by hearing the lessons and opinions of other girls.  I am on the Her Campus main page at least three times a day viewing the most read articles and can spend hours going through school feeds. One thing I like specifically about her campus is that it is a place where girls can speak free about their likes and dislikes, their struggles and accomplishments and help others thrive in life. But in addition to opinion pieces this online magazine also acts as a new source keeping me up to date with current events.



  1. I agree, Her Campus is an amazing resource for women. I love how supportive the community of Her Campus is. I find Her Campus is a little like Buzzfeed with many clickbait articles, however unlike Buzzfeed these articles are geared towards female college/university students. One of my favourite types of articles they make are the "relatable" articles, like this one: http://www.hercampus.com/life/17-memes-are-so-you-adult. They are so amusing!

  2. Zoey & Alyssa I agree with the both of you! Her Campus is a great online source for women around our age. Much like other lifestyle blogs, I could spend hours reading HerCampus articles because they are always entertaining and very relatable!
