Sunday 18 September 2016


Provided above is a link of a blog that I have been consistently going on. Narcity is a new media brand that offers a variety of blog posts that been written by a number of contributors. It focuses on the city of Toronto as a whole and highlights interesting news, upcoming events, and recommendations of things to do around the city. In addition they upload quirky posts on relationships, real life experiences, and many other pointless but interesting facts. I find this blog quite popular for university students.

I personally really enjoy reading Narcity because I see it as a source of entertainment. They also post things that are relatable to me as a young woman and post-secondary student. Also, as someone who lives in Toronto their blogs provide me an insight on fun and new things that I could do around the city. It is a great site to surf on as an outlet to pass time and if i'm looking for something humorous to enjoy.

Let me know if any of you are also followers of Narcity or if it's new to you, what do you think about it?


  1. Just like you, Amanda, I enjoy reading Narcity! Although I do not normally go on their actual site daily to read new articles, I find myself coming across some interesting Narcity reads through Facebook! Many of my Facebook friends post links to the blog, which ends up popping up on my timeline. It goes to show how we can really use different social media platforms to spread the word.

    I find Narcity to be quite similar to blogTO (which is what I wrote my post on) as well as BuzzFeed, mostly due to their multiple "best" lists and their target audience. Can you think of any other similar blogs to these?

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  3. I am also a huge fan of Narcity Toronto. Although it has many similarities to BlogTo, I find that it is more target to young woman in their 20s. In the summer when I’m in Toronto, I really enjoy their Best Of column or thing to do article because it gets me to try different restaurants and stores. I really like that they make it very explicit when an article is sponsored by a company. Most of their articles are not sponsored so I don’t feel like they are trying to sell me something.

    Does anyone else actually try the restaurants and stores they suggest?

  4. Nice to know that i'm not the only one that enjoys Narcity. There are actually a lot of other similar blogs that I also check out like Vice and HerCampus ... I particularly enjoy Narcity though because it is geared towards Toronto, which is where I live. I've never actually tried the restaurants and stores that they've suggested but have been to events that they talked about.

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