Monday 26 September 2016

Technological Determinism

Technological determinism is a theory that outlines that technology drives the development of social structures and cultures. Therefore, technology must exist in order for these structures to be in existence and for them to run smoothly. In terms of technological determinism, without technology to support these structures the amount of anxiety would increase and fear would be struck upon humans that believe this to be so. In relation to the article, Katherine relies on technology to help with her social interactivity, her everyday duties and her responsibilities. In essence these set of beliefs that Katherine has based on technology make up the culture that she resides in. This would make sense that Katherine would experience anxiety when she is not near her phone, since she believes that technological determinism is in effect. 

There are many new anxieties that are created when someone like Katherine wants to “Get better at her phone”. These is the fear of not being good enough in the social media realm, the fear of not being liked, and the anxiety associated with not doing what is expected of the person that is running the social media account, and in this case it would be Katherine experiencing this. Since there is a high demand for people who engage with social media to “be good” at being apart of the social media world, there are many anxieties that are created because of this. The fear of not being accepted is the largest one that I can think of and is the most relevant in today’s society. This consists of not having enough likes on a photo, not posting the right photo, not posting at the right time, getting no comments and not having enough followers. These are all anxieties that people experience in todays society, and it is more common among young people, like Katherine. 

I chose to use technological determinism as the theoretical framework for this discussion post because I believe that this is what Katherine is experiencing and believes in. I think that in order for Katherine’s social structures to work as they do now, technology plays a very significant role. For instance, if you were to take away Katherine’s technology she would not be able to go about her everyday duties like she currently does. Therefore, Katherine is dependant on technology, especially her smartphone, which creates the social structure that she currently resides in. 

The article that I have posted the link to below, goes into depth about the anxieties that are created through the use of technology and the issues with becoming disconnected.

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