Sunday 18 September 2016

Tasty/Buzzfeed Recipes

Facebook is a medium that allows people to not only create personal accounts for themselves, but also create pages on hobbies, fan bases for favourite books and movies,  for music and so forth.

There is this one particular page that I enjoy a lot because the videos that they make are so intriguing that I want to learn how to cook and bake. I think it's so cool how people are able to cut up their videos in 60 seconds or less and teach you how to create the recipe what they just did. 
I also appreciate how they will add a step-by-step recipe in their comment section.

Tasty is a page that has all kinds of recipes for anyone who likes to cook and bake or to anyone who wants to learn how to cook and bake. They are also conjoined with another forum called BuzzFeed, that has many viewers that can read relatable articles, quizzes, Tasty recipes and etc. For example, I have six people in my family and whenever I bake something it never lasts until the next day. My eldest brother Michael and myself love cookies so we decided to try and make the recipe that the Tasty/BuzzFeed page provided.

They turned out pretty well, the quantity was good and they ended up being so amazing that my whole family says this is the only cookie recipe they want to have; specifically the crispy recipe. 

So if anyone loves cookies, then I suggest that you definitely should try this one recipe out!


  1. Great post! I also enjoy discovering new recipes and agree that it is fascinating that the creators of these videos are able to pack a whole recipe into a 60 second video. These videos are making cookbooks obsolete as the Tasty videos are virtually accessible and are more efficient than carrying around a physically heavy book that is text heavy and sometimes difficult to follow the instructions. Tasty has created an advantage by making the recipes easy to follow and simple to create making the most common cook feel as though they can complete the recipes.

  2. I seriously LOVE Buzzfeed Tasty recipes! I find that I usually get caught up on what I want to eat for the week during class or any other inconvenient time when snacks are not within reach which is not ideal because seeing everything on there makes me hungry! Social media is a great way to spread awareness about company services, resources, and campaigns basically for free. I agree with Shannon in her comment above when she says how instead of buying cookbooks for over $20 we can now just go onto a FaceBook page and watch a quick video stating the recipe for free. I recently made the peanut butter cups on the Tasty page and I definitely did not regret it. It was easy and accommodating for people who don't spend 18 hours a day cooking food.

  3. I seriously LOVE Buzzfeed Tasty recipes! I find that I usually get caught up on what I want to eat for the week during class or any other inconvenient time when snacks are not within reach which is not ideal because seeing everything on there makes me hungry! Social media is a great way to spread awareness about company services, resources, and campaigns basically for free. I agree with Shannon in her comment above when she says how instead of buying cookbooks for over $20 we can now just go onto a FaceBook page and watch a quick video stating the recipe for free. I recently made the peanut butter cups on the Tasty page and I definitely did not regret it. It was easy and accommodating for people who don't spend 18 hours a day cooking food.

  4. I have yet to try to actually make a buzz feed tasty recipe but the videos always appear o my facebook feed and i stop to watch them. I agree with Maddie, I dont think I would ever buy a cook book, the only reason I would have one in my house would be that my grandmother passed hers along to me, but that is simply for nostalgic reasons. Tasty is great for people that do not know Cooking jargon, they really simplify complicated recipes and make cooking easy for everyone.

  5. Great post! I really enjoyed reading your post as I personally can relate to a lot of the things you mentioned. I personally LOVE food, but HATE coming up with new and delicious recipes. I find Tasty and various other Facebook recipe videos to be very helpful in influencing and expanding my meal choices. I really enjoyed that you pointed out how easy Tasty videos are to access in comparison to authentic cook books. I would also agree that I would probably not go out of my way to go purchase a cook book but I will most defiantly watch a couple Tasty videos for inspiration!

  6. Hi! I really enjoyed your post about Tasty videos that always show up on my Facebook timeline, I always see myself getting infatuated by how quickly and easy some of these recipes look! I put some of these to the test this summer and they actually do work and come out like the 20-30 second video shows. I think that these videos are targeting a new generation which allows for people on the go to still be able to enjoy a quick, "homey" feel meal instead of consistently spending money at restaurants, cafes, etc and allows for people to notice that you don't need to spend 3-4 hours in the kitchen in order to make a decent meal.

  7. Hi Laura! Great post about the Tasty videos, I personally really enjoy them and they are one of my favourite ways to kill time on the internet. The recipes for the most part all look really good and easy to make. Every person that I have showed tasty to has really enjoyed the content and now is obsessed with it. Tasty is a great way to get people to cook at home, saving them money while also staying healthy.

  8. Great post Laura! I love that my friends, roommates and I can tag each other in videos for recipes that we want to try making together - if you're someone that doesn't enjoy cooking, it really makes cooking a lot more fun! I also find it's really useful because I share recipes once in a while on a business page I manage!

  9. Excellent post Laura! I have always heard of Tasty through friends but I never really took the time to look it up and see what it was all about. After reading your post I figured I should give it a try and I was not disappointed! Tasty makes cooking look a lot more enjoyable than some would think. I like how they are able to show the full recipe in a quick 30 seconds with the exact measurements of the ingredients. Being a student, it is sometimes hard to find a lot of time to make a meal but with Tasty, I noticed that making something that may look complicated actually does not take that much time! It is also nice to get new recipes here and there rather than constantly making the same dishes. I will also definitely have to try that cookie recipe out!
