Friday 16 September 2016

CS 371 Social Media and Social Life
Collaborative Social Media Blog Post Topic #1

Have nothing better to do on A Friday night? 

How about spending some time on your first blog post for this class!

Just to break the ice and get you used to the blog environment, share with us something in the social media and/or Internet universe that you like — perhaps a website, a video clip, a playlist, a game or another blog. What’s cool to you right now? Link to it, and tell us a little about why you like it by 6 PM Monday, September 19th. During the week, read your classmates’ posts and then post comments in response to two of them by no later than 6pm Friday September 23rd.


    This is the link to my favourite food blog. It provides viewers with many different vegan recipes that are easily prepared. The engagement with the blog lets the readers know which recipes are the best and which recipes could use improvements.


    Above is the link to my best friends blog, surrounding the widespread awareness on mental illness. Rachel currently suffers from bipolar disorder and this blog allows her to share her struggles and successes in life for everyone to read and be inspired. Many people across the world suffer from a metal illness and she is one of the few that is willing to share her story. Her blog is not only about mental illness; it is about self-discovery and just general life. Rachel is an inspiration to me; I love this blog because it is another reminder of how lucky I am for my friends and family. Rachel is not the only friend I have that suffers from a mental illness I know several others. Therefore, this blog has become close to home from me, allowing my self to realize what the other individuals are thinking and how I can possibly help them through there hard times. I encourage you all to check out Rachel’s blog, and hopefully it inspires you as well.


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