Wednesday 21 September 2016

Fashion and Lifestyle blogs

Within the internet universe right now, I spend a lot of my time reading fashion and lifestyle blogs. One of my favourite blogs right now is called 'Lovely Luciano'. This is a blog created by a friend of mine named Emily Luciano. She often blogs about different fashion choices and other lifestyle posts, such as travel and life/style hacks. I love to read blogs like this and spend time learning about fashion in my spare time. Another thing I love to spend my time doing on the internet, which I will easily spend hours doing without realizing, is watching YouTube videos. I like to read/watch content about beauty, fashion, and lifestyle because outside of school and work this is what I am interested in. Watching YouTube videos and reading blogs is what I use when I need a short break from school.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily! It looks like we share some of a few interests. I too love spending my spare time watching beauty videos on YouTube. Have you ever read 's blog? She is a great beauty blogger who's content I think you'd enjoy!
