Monday 19 September 2016


Pinterest is a social media site that I downloaded last year around exam time as one of my many procrastination techniques. The site works as a search engine in which people can look up specific topics and find pages and links other people have created. Once you find something you like or are interested in you can “pin” it to your own profile as a sort of storage system. The site prompts you to create your own profile in which you can follow other users and fill your dashboard up with useful and personally interesting topics. Pinterest allows the user to heart and “repin” other people’s posts as a way of information sharing that allows the user to feel connected to the whole process of actually using the site. I think of the site as a sort of scrapbook in which you save ideas that reflect your own interests and discard ones that are not a reflection of who you personally are. 
I personally enjoy using Pinterest as it is highly entertaining and allows me to find innovative ideas as well as gain information and real life advice from people that have actually tried the recipes and projects they are sharing. A user can virtually look up any topic they are interested in which allows the website to be universally accommodating. It is a great site for anyone looking for fresh ideas or a way to enhance something old whether that is art, food or fashion. 
Below is the link to Pinterest. Enjoy!


  1. I completely agree with you Shannon, Pinterest is a great procrastinating tool! There are endless search engines that allow you to search everything and anything that interests you. I have personally used it for hours on finding new hair colours and styles that I can pin to show my hair dresser for the next time I go in! I have also used it to find DIY crafts to decorate my room!

  2. Shannon,

    I also use Pinterest all the time and completely agree with you that it’s a great way to procrastinate. On average I would say I go on it at least once a day to find a new recipe to try. It is also a great way to find DIY Halloween costumes! One of the things I really like about Pinterest is that if you find something that interests you, you can save it right away. With that being said,I really like how you described it as a personal “scrapbook”. I have created my own virtual recipe book, as well as found some really great stores to shop at. Almost all the photos have a link to the primary website which is great.

  3. Great post Shannon! I too am obsessed with Pinterest, this social media tool is one of my favourite. Although it is one of the worst ways for me to procrastinate my homework! I honestly plan my whole life on that thing, from my dream wedding, diy crafts, hairstyles, to my dream house. That website really has it all! Thanks for the really relatable post!

  4. I have been using Pinterest on and off since high school and definitely am a fan. As a poor university student with minimal items of food in my house, I will often search pinterest for those items and see what I can make. I usually have found some pretty good recipes to try out. By having the ability to search keywords it makes it a lot easier to find what you're looking for and also getting a lot of different options. I use the boards and liking to categorize what I want to save to look at later. Its like an online database of interesting links and things I want to try out. Great post!
