Monday 19 September 2016

Classy Girls Wear Pearls

A few years ago I was scrolling through the fashion categories of Pinterest and stumbled upon a fashion blogger named Sarah Vickers who's blog is called Classy Girls Wear Pearls. However, since I use Instagram and Pinterest on a regular basis I tend to follow along more on her Instagram and Pinterest accounts more than her main blog. I love following along with her posts of the places she travels to, her preppy outfits, fancy events and of course her adorable dog. The focus of her social media and blogging is centered on her fashion style that consists of Jcrew and Kate Spade and other preppy brands that I love. She also adds her travels and social life to her fashion blog, including her picture perfect wedding she had a year ago. I have repined many of her outfit pictures onto my Pinterest and use her style as “outfit inspiration” when I’m trying to think of how to piece together new outfits. I’m not the type of person to obsess over people or be a huge fan of bloggers but I do enjoy the pictures and articles that she shares.


  1. Rachel I love that you talked about the different social networks that you follow this blogger on. This is something I can relate to as I read many fashion blogs much like this one, but I also follow these people on all other social media outlets. It's like you get a glimpse into their life from many different aspects and I think thats very cool!

  2. I'm glad you posted about Sarah Vickers! I follow her on social media as well, especially the brand her husband has created KJP. Their social medias are very interesting and relatable to me, as they love dogs and have similar fashion senses to what I know. I'm a huge fan of the blogs they post and find it interesting to know other people do as well at Laurier!!
