Sunday 18 September 2016

Lifestyle Youtube Channels

Above I have provided a link to one of my favourite lifestyle vloggers named Bonny Rebecca. A vlog can be described as a video recording of someones life, hobbies, eating habits, and any other interest they wish to share on their channel. Bonny is an Australian vegan who travels the world and shares her journey of food and life. While doing so she provides interesting advice on body image and veganism. I personally am not a vegan interestingly enough, but why I enjoy watching Bonny is the thoughtful advice she gives. Specifically about finding happiness and peace within your day to day life. The reason I enjoy watching lifestyle blogs is because I find it very interesting to see how people view the world so differently. Watching these videos on different places around the world and foods I never knew existed inspires me to set goals for myself. I think there is an aspect to social media that has an illusion of perfection. Bonny's channel among others I watch such as Steph Yu, another great lifestyle vlogger, exemplify authenticity and dedication to research on living a healthy life. I have just recently begin to routinely watch certain channels and continue to be inspired by the world around me of food, travel, and life just by the click of a video. 

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