Sunday 18 September 2016

Mean Kitty's success

Since we spent a lot of time talking about internet cats in class, I really wanted to introduce you to my favourite internet cat: Sparta. This little fellow might be one of the first internet cats ever, the video was made over 9 years ago by Cory Williams. His ‘Mean kitty song’ has almost 85 million views. I wondered what made this video so successful.
Of course, the lyrics are witty and the video matches perfect with everything Cory is saying, but I think the most important factor to this success is the fact that people can identify with this video. In the video Sparta gets really under Cory’s skin. He attacks and fights his owner Cory constantly, but no matter how annoying Sparta may be, Cory loves him unconditionally, because he knows the little kitty just does all that to get his attention.

You don’t have to be a cat owner to be able to identify with this phenomenon. Most people who own a pet will probably understand what this is about. And perhaps even people who have (younger) siblings: no matter how annoying they can be, you love them no matter what. ;)

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