Thursday 22 September 2016

The Skinny Confidential (week 1 post)

This is for last week’s blog question since mine did not show up. 

This is my favourite blog, snap chat, instagram and POD cast account. Lauryn Evans and her husband share their life story as well as tips and tricks for anything people are willing to talk about. They take you through their travels and their day to day life. 

They include recipes, weight loss tips and healthy food recipes, as well as the latest clothing trends, best places to vacation, workout plans, etc. 

Everyday I either check their snap chat story, their blog, instagram or if I have time I will watch their POD cast that they have once a night. 

I would consider Lauryn to be a social influencer since she has companies sending her many products for her to try on her social media accounts so she can give her true and honest opinion to prospective buyers. Since a lot of people follow her every move, most viewers will take her word for products and will usually purchase the products. I will usually look into the products that she is promoting and I have in the past purchased some of the products that they believe to be the best.

If you are interested in lifestyle blogs then you would be interested in Lauryn’s blog! 

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